7 Tips for Easy Elementary Distance and Online Learning
Back to school is evolving, Things are anything but normal. If you are anything like me- you feel crazy! This was going to be my golden year with a Second Grader and a Kindergartner. Both in full-time school, NOT! Trying…
Back to School in a Pandemic -Tips from an Elementary School Nurse
Back to School in a Pandemic -Tips from an Elementary School Nurse. With all the change, new school situations, and health concerns I wanted to give you- my wonderful readers- a look into the thoughts of an Elementary School Nurse. She…
Would You Rather Questions for Kids
It is so important to give that attention and patience to our kids when they crave it. This way when they start getting older and quiet you have built a strong base of communication. They know you are ready to…
Fill your Kid’s Attention Cup
In a world of instant gratification and limitless possibilities, parents are constantly ON. We work so hard to make sure our children have food and shelter but one of the most important things they need from us gets pushed to…
Stranger Danger for Children-4 Ideas to Explain and Prepare.
This is my follow-up to 6 Ways to Promote Free-Range Kids in 2018. One of those 6 is teaching them about Stranger Danger for Children. Preparing our children for some of the darkness this world has to offer is not…
8 Fun Ways to Beat Cabin Fever with the Kids
We are now headed to the middle of winter. Cold, Cold, Cold! My motivation to be outside, for any reason, is at an all time low. 8 Fun ways to beat cabin fever with the kids will help on those…
Parents Feeling Guilty About Screen Time?
Almost every parent uses it with their children. Some use it more than others. I bet at least 75% or more have some kind of GUILT over how much or how often we use it. Are you one of those…
New Years Eve Interview with the Kids
New Years Time is upon us! There are many wonderful traditions to start with your kids during this time of year. One of my favorites is interviewing each kid and keeping it as a record. It will be awesome to…
6 Ways to Promote Free-Range Kids in 2018
Or any modern year we are all now living! Let’s promote free-range kids. Free-Range Kids means giving them the freedoms of earlier generations. For example, walking down to a friend’s house, to a park, or even just out in the…
The #1 Hopeful Wish Parents have for their Children
Every Parent Wishes things for children! What would you pick if you could only share one? What is the most important? Recently one of my cousins did a poll on Facebook for a class he is taking. One of the…