Savor Your Kids Through the Stress
Kids,  Mom's Parenting Tool Box

Savor Your Kids Through Stress

Life gets complicated, intense and stressful. Leaky hot water heater, aging family pet, workload, self-expectations, raising decent human beings? and my list could go on and on. Read on for ways I try to remember to savor my kids during stressful times.

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Even the most organized and mentally strong person has weak days. It can be super hard to put the pressing adulting matters plaguing us moms into the background when we are with our kiddos. Some moments it can even be impossible but that is ok too. Its good for the kids to learn how we handle hardships, teach by example.

Savor Your Kids Through the Stress

Here to remind you to try not to get so overcome that you miss the sweetest moments.

Smelling my daughter?s sweet strawberry fresh hair as she sits on my lap brushing her teeth after bath. What? She can now brush her own teeth?!! At least she still likes to sit on my lap while she?s doing it.

When my son is so excited about starting to read the Harry Potter series with me, he keeps me longer at bedtime to discuss the chapter we just read. What? He is old enough to absorb and comprehend this big book without pictures!? At least he is interested in something I think is awesome.

When we are sitting at the table for dinner and both kids finish eating (or don?t eat because they don?t like how it looks) and they both decide to stay and chat with us until we are done eating. What!? They are almost like real people?! At least their picky eating is childlike still.

There are so many times and locations during the day when it’s perfect to push all the adult stress to the side and reconnect with the kids.

Savor my kids during stressful times, in that one good moment. Think about it almost like pitching a tent around you and your kiddos so there is a blinder to the other junk, but it is only a thin piece of canvas away.

First thing in the morning. I always try to say good morning happily even when I?m still sleepy and so hungry I may snap. Starting the day with a happy thought goes a long way for kids and moms. I love it when my daughter, who still stays in her bed till I get her up, gives me the happy good morning first. Makes me smile every time.

At breakfast I always try to sit and eat with my kiddos. No phone in hand. They ask me questions about the day, or I just watch them eat. Once the big kid is on his way to school, I give my little some one-on-one time to play. I try to savor her creativity even when she is upset, I am not holding Barbie in the right way.

At breakfast, I always try to sit and eat with my kiddos. No phone in hand. Savor my kids trough the stressful times.

When I pick my oldest up from the bus stop, that is my time to talk to him about his day. My husband likes to ask both my kiddos at dinner since he isn?t home all day like me. Yesterday I was feeling so overwhelmed by things I rocked out to some music on the way to the bus stop so I could be ready for him.

Bath time is fun for making up our own crazy songs and savoring the kiddos still needing help with the simple stuff. One day it will be helping them navigate the real world and not just remembering to scrub behind their ears.

Savor my kids during stressful times. Bath time is fun for making up our own crazy songs and savoring the kiddos still needing help with the simple stuff.

Bedtime is my favorite. I love reading with my kids every night. We have special songs and snuggle time as well. It’s one of the best ways to reset when the day may be been troublesome. Having the routine remain constant is comforting to all of us. Even when I have more to do after bed the routine reminds me to slow myself down and enjoy them!

I try my hardest to focus on these moments each day. To savor my kids during stressful times Time does not stop for leaking water heaters or while you are trying to get those work expectations filled. Kids keep growing and I don?t want to miss the moments they give me in this little stage. It will be over before the blink of an eye!

Savor my kids even when stress challenges you and tries to steal away those moments.

Check out this blog from another author. It’s about loving your kids but still being allowed to complain about them a little. @Her View From Home. 

Connecting with the Kids when you are having a hard day.
A Parents #1 Wish for their Children

I hoped you liked my post about Savoring my kids during stressful times. Please Check Out some of my other blogs about focusing on your kids. 


  • Janice Fox-Henley

    Your Website is welcoming and delightful, and I enjoyed my visit with you. It was like visiting a like-minded friend!
    I was a SAHM, my Daughter and Son are in their forties now and have given me precious, loving GrandChildren.
    My husband and I celebrate our 50th this year, and I said all that to say this; the Kids turned out Great! the Marriage made it with bells ringing! But Mom had Severe Anxiety and was sure she was ruining the children for years because of it. But I understood the children had the right to have their own feelings about whatever. I realized they were human beings aware of what was happening around them. If there was a Crisis in the family (funeral, divorce, financial distress, medical problem), we gave the children explanations and help to understand, realizing they were affected, too! We didn’t put worry on them, maintaining authority and responsibility as ours. It is a necessary line to walk with them with respect. Thank you, Janice ??Edit you as need.

    • Savorthemomlife

      Wow! Thank you for the wonderful comment. I really like how you talk about giving them explanations of how to understand things while trying to keep them from holding the worry of an adult! Great message.

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