Dear Moms on Your Very First Day of School
?My oldest is 6! He’s going into First grade! I can’t believe it! Two years ago when he started Pre-K, I sent him to a half-day of school. He went on the bus! The very first day on his own!? I’m not going to sugar-coat it, that first day was traumatic for me. He was so little and until that moment, almost always with me. Lucky for me we had a lot of sweet older kids on our street to encourage and look out for him on that bus. He walked on confidently and didn’t even give me a hug good-bye! As soon as the door closed, I turned around and lost my s***. Even though the other moms at the bus stop were different from me, some even celebrating their kids send off on that first day, they embraced me just the same. Lots of good hugs and ?I?ve been there? love.?

Each of us is so different. We come from different backgrounds and make different choices for our families.
- Stay-at-home Moms
- Working Moms
- Teacher Moms
- Empty Nest Moms
- Stay at Home Moms going back to work
- Work at Home Moms
- We do all have that “Mom” in common.
Each of us has those same fears when sending our kids out into the world.
- Will he be good to others?
- Will others be good to him?
- Will he make safe choices?
- Will he make friends?
- Will he miss me?
- Will he do what I expect him to do when I am not around?
- Will he come back?
- Did I give him enough tools to make it?
- Does he know I love him?
- Does he know I am missing him?
Sending my baby, THAT I GREW INSIDE OF ME, away to school for the first time felt… horrible. Without me there to hold his hand, watch his back, and help guide him in every decision- it’s a nerve-racking leap that takes some adjustment. You will get used to it. You will enjoy it! Just like my son grew in confidence to get on that bus with his friends, I grew in my confidence to let him go. Each time it gets more and more easy. I know as long as I do my best when he is with me, he will be ready for what the world has in store for him!

?It’s a scary world out there. I refuse to even go into all the scariness here, as I know you know. I try not to dwell on how scary it is because that would just be overwhelming and bad to think about during this “first-day” time. Some things are out of our immediate control, such as choices made by other adults. I am not encouraging you to shut your eyes to the scary but, just like you will keep working to give your kids the tools to be safe and succeed you can work to choose/make the right environment for them as well.?Choose where you send your kid to school if you can and vote! Be active in your child’s school. Help those teachers as much as you can.
I was actually a teacher before I became a mom.
?I love all the kiddos I taught, but I totally did not have an understanding of the amount of trust parent places into a teacher’s hands. Especially a mom who is doing that “let go” for the very first time! Teachers are amazing people! I am so thankful to know so many wonderful teachers.?And I was a Kindergarten teacher. I still find it awesome I got to be the first-teacher experience for many kids and parents. I can confidently say, I would do it a little differently on that first day now that I am a mom, if I were to go back.
Working Mammas
Some of you wonderful women choose or have to work outside the home and you have to hand those babies off, so much sooner than I did!? I hope you had some loving and understanding mom arms to give you hugs like me. I needed them on that first day, standing at the bus stop balling my eyes out.?Don’t worry, your baby will remember you! He will not hold it against you! After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder! At least thats what they say.
We all make different choices in our status of mom life but I know we can all agree, letting go is hard. Even if my daughter drives me crazy and still requires me to wipe her butt- when I know very well can do it herself. Even though I’m excited for her to gain some independence and confidence. Even though I am excited to have some time to work on something besides being a mom. Even though I was a teacher and I know she will be in good hands. I’m going to have a moment or a few moments. I’m going to have tears. My youngest goes to Pre-k this year! I’m excited, scared, sad, and happy. But I will survive and so will she!
?I just wanted to remind all moms about this first time- the first day feeling.
Be kind to another mom on her first day. She’s letting go. Daycare, preschool, kindergarten, or even College. My mom had a moment when I moved to Florida to be with my Army husband. I?ll never forget her crying in the driveway as I drove away. I cried in the car as well Mom, but I came back! It doesn’t matter the age of the mom or kid- letting go is hard. Make sure to give her a hug, a knowing look, or maybe even a treat for coffee.?

This world we are living in is crazy and all us moms are trying to accomplish is help guide our kids to navigate through. We’re trying to help teach them to make the right choices, to keep themselves safe and be good people. Letting go is hard and this is only the beginning!
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